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The Director

Webcode: 01012635

The director manages the day-to-day business and performs the various functions of the Chamber of Agriculture. He is the business representative for the everyday business of the Chamber and also with respect to judicial and non-judicial functions. In carrying out his professional duties, he reports to the President.

Dr. Bernd von Garmissen, Direktor der Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen
Dr. Bernd von Garmissen, Direktor der Landwirtschaftskammer NiedersachsenWolfgang Ehrecke
The Director is senior to all of the staff employed by the Chamber of Agriculture, Lower Saxony.
He is not a member of the Chamber Assembly.

The current Director is Dr. Bernd von Garmissen. He moved to Oldenburg and has been in post in the Chamber of Agriculture since 2022-01-01.